Consider Dreaming ...
"... dreaming also is looking for new ways to connect these associative networks ..." Stickgold
Whole thinking, Holistic meaning making ...
it may seem like a leap from dreaming into school, but there is a link.
Why do very intelligent students sometimes fail in school? Could it be that our educational system is geared toward those with stronger left brain hemispheres, leaving the big picture thinkers out of luck? Psychologist Linda Silverman describes for host Karen Saupe these and other claims found in her book Upside-Down Brilliance: the Visual-Spatial Learner 2002
Traditionally, schooling has focused on two dominant
learning styles – Linguistic and Logical/Mathematical.
However, research led by Gardner since the early
1980’s, has exposed the limits of this old paradigm.
Gardner’s theory has opened up for scrutiny the many
ways people engage with and learn from the world
around them that extends beyond this narrow
configuration. Thinking in images is a powerful tool - 1/3 of the population thinks in images.
Images are whole messages, they contain meaning and they make meaning.
Most school subjects are geared to 'instruct' PART to WHOLE - a way of thinking about learning that negates the experiences of about 1/3 of students, according to Silverman.
Blooms Taxonomy tells us there is a heirachy - or sequence to learning, but this isn't necessarily so for visual spatial learners, at least not in the sense intended by his model. 'Sequential' can be interpreted quite differently and unrelated to the structure of delivery.
This diagram from the Queensland Visual Art Senior Syllabus re Inquiry Learning Model is an excellent 'map' of the creative process:
Our world is increasingly visual spatial in orientation. Video games? hardware? software? And our ways for engaging in the process of education need to take this into consideration if they are to be relevant to the present - future.
This diagram from the Queensland Visual Art Senior Syllabus re Inquiry Learning Model is an excellent 'map' of the creative process:
Our world is increasingly visual spatial in orientation. Video games? hardware? software? And our ways for engaging in the process of education need to take this into consideration if they are to be relevant to the present - future.
Ask yourself; who reads/needs instructions? Consider the frustration of being forced through these hoops to get to something you understood at the beginning.
It's a fallacy that girls aren't visual spatial - my theory ... we all have the capacity span the spectrum of learning styles. In our current education system we must be cognisant of the fact that at least some girls will torture themselves to comply with logical/sequential delivery - they go through the motions. What happens if we imagine it the other way around? Creativity opens the process, Critical Thinking comes after NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND?
Everyone is unique - the trick is in empowering the student to identify their own, most effective and motivating way of working/learning.
BLOOMS Revised Taxonomy adds create to the top of the heirachy ...interesting
One approach to Inquiry Learning ~ Here's the problem ... Here's the tools Figure it out. See it in the minds eye ~ close eyes and picture what is being read
Einstein saw in holes [: )] how do we see wholes? Identify your MI
Society is becoming more and more visual/spatial while schools, by-an-large, are not moving with it
Research = 2/3 of population prefer visual/spatial method of instruction
1/4 is auditory / instruction so they feel successful in school
Need some of both modes of instruction? Integrated way is best - using info from both hemispheres.
Everyone needs to have right hemisphere activated otherwise learning doesn't occur. Attention is in the right hemisphere
ART art ART that doing word ... CREATION is essential to activate right hemisphere
Anyone who has had intimate artistic experiences (e.g., as a creator, performer or teacher) would appreciate the special ways in which the processes of thinking, feeling, knowing and communicating take place in the arts (Eisner, 1996)
Artmaking contains within it, processes and gateways to opportunities for seeking and finding both purpose and meaning.
"This paper (Wright, S. 1998) illustrated examples of children using integrated information processes that bring together thought, emotion and action; thinking through imagery (and sound) and with the body. Yet, synesthesia and the use of metaphor and symbolic expression often can be suppressed in institutionalised education. This is largely due to the social and cultural dominance of literal language and written modes of expression.
"... Consequently, much of the learning, thinking and feeling that occurs in the arts takes place non-verbally. This is because the arts involve unique forms of meaning making, knowing and communicating, through the use of discourses and a range of "texts" that can be "read" and "written".
"Consequently, a multi-modal approach to education should include a liberal definition of the term "Literacy", which encompasses the multiliteracy integration of body, mind and soul through musical, spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic and symbolic forms of artistic expression. Education should encompass a full range of expressive and communicative avenues ..."
Visual Language, and artmaking media provide access to the first layer of the journey, like an onion, they are part of a whole. The multitude of layers aside these tools involve all of Bloom's terms but they are not hierarchical.
Artmaking contains within it, processes and gateways to opportunities for seeking and finding both purpose and meaning.
"This paper (Wright, S. 1998) illustrated examples of children using integrated information processes that bring together thought, emotion and action; thinking through imagery (and sound) and with the body. Yet, synesthesia and the use of metaphor and symbolic expression often can be suppressed in institutionalised education. This is largely due to the social and cultural dominance of literal language and written modes of expression.
"... Consequently, much of the learning, thinking and feeling that occurs in the arts takes place non-verbally. This is because the arts involve unique forms of meaning making, knowing and communicating, through the use of discourses and a range of "texts" that can be "read" and "written".
"Consequently, a multi-modal approach to education should include a liberal definition of the term "Literacy", which encompasses the multiliteracy integration of body, mind and soul through musical, spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic and symbolic forms of artistic expression. Education should encompass a full range of expressive and communicative avenues ..."
Visual Language, and artmaking media provide access to the first layer of the journey, like an onion, they are part of a whole. The multitude of layers aside these tools involve all of Bloom's terms but they are not hierarchical.
translating the world
translating the world
smell ~ image
sound ~ movement
touch ~ smell
taste ~ sound
practice ...
"Stroop Effect" is named after J. Ridley Stroop who discovered this strange phenomenon in the 1930s. Here is your job: name the colors of the following words. Do NOT read the words...rather, say the color of the words. For example, if the word "BLUE" is printed in a red color, you should say "RED". Say the colors as fast as you can. It is not as easy as you might think!
interactive ...
try a directional one ...
and numbers ...
with animals?
In the school curriculum, we need to focus not on one or the other at the exclusion of either.
In language, LEFT hemisphere is the only place that can differentiate phonemes in the auditory sequential - where they are put into little sequences ~ PHONETIC. RIGHT brain knows in wholes - reading whole words that are MEANINGFUL, in units of MEANING. Children can read fluently without any phonetic training.

Providing opportunities for students to learn means that CRITICAL + CREATIVE processes need to be in place
Investigate the IMPORTANCE OF FLOW to activate Right Hemisphere and activate connections.
" The levels of reality are not found in the external world, which is obviously not divided into levels. It is the mind that, through adjusting its levels of perception (from the very close and small to the encompassing vision of a landscape or the immensity of the universe), through its language and thinking habits, makes connections between the elements that it distinguishes, and sees these connections as levels of organization. None of these levels of reality alone is reality itself: reality would be the infinitely complex whole of all the levels co-existing" Danielle Boutet
"The greater the complexity and demands of the outer world, the more essential are those capacities and qualities of interiority that allow us to be spacious and skilled enough to open the code of information : discernment, values, detachment, presence, imagination, reflection and heart." Hart, T (2007)
"The beneficial aspects of visual-spatial reasoning will become more prized in this century as technology continues to advance. The main advantages of this way of knowing, as Steve Haas has summarized them, are: - Perceiving the whole quickly
- Finding patterns easily
- Thinking graphically
- Understanding dimensionality
Silverman, L. A Special Excerpt from Upside-Down Brilliance: The Visual-Spatial Learner
From Chapter 15, Visual-Spatial Adults and the Future of Education
Right Hemisphere / Left Hemisphere ... well worth watching
An excellent article in summary
Artistically rooted forms of intelligence
1. Experiencing qualitative relationships and making judgements
2. Flexible purposing
3. Form and content is most often inextricable
4. Not everything knowable can be articulated in propositional form
5. Looking to the medium
6. The aesthetic satisfactions that the work itself makes possible
Vygotsky, L Russian Psychologist THOUGHT AND LANGUAGE
Jung, C. A General Description of Types A selection from the essay Piaget, J. A selection from THE LANGUAGE AND THOUGHT OF THE CHILD Download mp3 file: The Language and Thought of the Child
Multiple Intelligence Test - ONLINE
Cognitive style and learning strategies
Learning Styles + Strategies -
identify your own from the descriptions
Blooms Old + New
J. P. GUILFORD ~ identify your own from the descriptions
Blooms Old + New
Eisner, E W. (1996). Qualitative research in music education: Past, present, perils, promise. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 130 (Fall), 8-16
Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. NY: Basic Books.
Hart, T, 2007. Reciprocal Revelation: Toward a Pedagogy of Interiority in Journal of Cognitive Affective Learning, 3(2) (Spring 2007), 1-10 Oxford College of Emory University
Wright, S. (1998) Multi-Modality in a New Key: The Significance of the Arts in Research and EducationCentre for Applied Studies in Early Childhood, QUT
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